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2023-07-12 12:03:14 互联网

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Action Week is a signature annual event of ISA Liwan. Action Week comes from the name and philosophy of ISA—Inquire, Succeed, Act, aiming to put into practice the group‘s values and beliefs through practical actions.

At ISA, we use the IB curriculum as our educational framework, focus on the combination of learning with practice, and constantly cultivate students" international perspectives.Through a series of outreach activities, students are guided to conduct independent exploration in nature, cultivating their ability to approach unfamiliar situations and uncertainty with courage and forethought.

The students were divided into two groups based on their grade levels. G1 and G2 students participated in a 2-day outdoor skills training at the school before embarking on a 3-day outdoor experiential activity in Huadu District accompanied by their parents. Meanwhile, the third to fifth graders, led by guides and teachers, embarked on a 5-day journey of inquiry and practice at a campsite in Conghua starting from July 3rd.

G1-G2 爱莎荔湾小学1-2年级

Action Week 践行周•花都

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The action week of ISA Liwan primary school officially started on July 3.

In order to prepare students for the adventures that awaited them in Huadu District and Conghua District, ISA Liwan"s primary students learned mapping skills and were able to draw a map of their surroundings.

The instructors also taught them some rope and knot-tying techniques, which would not only come in handy during the outdoor learning trip but help to improve their environmental awareness as well.

Obstacle Course & Camping


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Upon arrival at the campsite, students and their parents looked forward to the activities that would be taking place, as the instructors briefed everyone on some important things to look out for.

We started with a water obstacle course where students had to first clear the obstacles on their own before doing it with their parents. Although some students were cautious at the beginning, after some encouragement from their parents, teachers and friends, everyone went ahead with the challenge.

The next activity was learning how to build a catapult. Students put their rope and knot-tying knowledge to use and built a catapult. Everyone had fun throwing water balloons at the opposite team, which was a good respite from the afternoon heat.

Finally, students were taught how to pitch their tents. Everyone had to learn how to pitch their own tents for the night. When night came, we all crawled into our tents and rested for the next day"s adventures.

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Nature Hiking


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周四一早,学生、家长和老师们一起踏上了大自然徒步的旅行。学生们的任务是在 4 公里的步行过程中寻找不同类型的植物和昆虫。每个人都沉浸在寻找花草和昆虫的乐趣之中。在大自然提供的阴凉庇护下,所有人成功回到了露营地。

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Early Thursday morning, students, parents and teachers went on a nature hike. Students had a task to look out for different types of flora and insects during the 4km walk. Everyone was on the lookout for these plants, flowers and insects. It was fortunate that the trees provided shade for us along the way. Students finally finished the task and went back to the campsite.

Campfire Challenge


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The final activity before leaving for a night"s stay at the hotel was learning how to start a fire the traditional way. It was not an easy task but students showed resilience and finally, the students started their fires. As a reward for their hard work, students roasted some marshmallows. It was truly a sweet ending to another fantastic day.

Kayaking Activity


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Kayaking was the most anticipated activity on the last day. Everyone had the opportunity to kayak.

The instructors did a safety briefing first before getting everyone to practice manoeuvring their paddles. The fun started once in the water. Everyone was excited and for some parents and teachers, this was their first time getting onto a kayak.

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Action Week gave the students opportunities to learn new knowledge and skills, build connections with their friends and parents and grow as a learner. We thank all teachers and parents for joining us on the trip and for supporting the activities. This experience will remain a memory and talking point in the years to come.

G3-G5 爱莎荔湾小学3-5年级

Action Week 践行周•从化

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出发当天 (7月3日),阳光明媚,露营正当时。

抵达营地之初,为了让彼此增进了解,适应环境,教练精心设计了有趣的破冰游戏,如:Mingle,Mom and baby,Night Sensory等。在中外教练以及带队老师的引导下,学生们积极参与,快速调整行为模式,展现各自的创意思考和问题解决能力,同时也逐步建立起了团队意识。

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Monday was sunny and suitable for camping.

Upon arrival, students participated in a variety of ice-breaking games led by coaches to build connections and become familiar with the environment. Games like Mingle, Mom and Baby, and Night Sensory encouraged active student participation and showcased their problem-solving abilities. Under the guidance of coaches and teachers, students adjusted their behaviour and thinking patterns while also gaining an understanding of the importance of teamwork and collaboration.

Water Sports


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What is better than Water sports in the blazing hot summer? In the morning, students learned kayaking skills, familiarized themselves with water safety knowledge, and gained an understanding of the importance of freshwater ecosystems and river tributaries to humans. They were then divided into pairs and swiftly progressed from "testing the waters" to "riding the waves", impressing both their peers and coaches with their performance, without a single person falling into the water.

In the afternoon, the challenging raft-building activity required teamwork and creativity as children constructed unique bamboo rafts using materials like bamboo, ropes, and tires. They experienced the fusion of traditional craftsmanship and modern science, successfully sailing on the "Dream Explorer" to explore the picturesque landscape.



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The highlight of the day was a 6-kilometre wilderness hike. We traversed mountains, crossed streams, and listened to the sounds of nature – the flowing water, rustling bamboo, and chirping cicadas. One G3 student couldn"t help but recite a poem they learned this year: "The green shade remains on the path I tread, accompanied by the songs of orioles."

Back at the campsite, the children built shelters and cooked pasta, showcasing their newfound wilderness survival skills. As night fell and the stars sparkled, we lay on the ground with the sky as our blanket. Amidst the tranquil silence, the croaking of frogs and the chirping of insects lulled us to sleep.



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In the bustling ancient village of Xitou, a group of enthusiastic ISA students embarked on a morning of exploration and inquiry. They learned how to use compasses for navigation and orienteering, and were divided into groups to design five checkpoints with questions for their orienteering adventure. Despite the hot weather, the children remained busy and passionate, exploring every corner of the old town. Every now and then, cheers and excitement could be heard as they completed their tasks successfully.

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During the closing ceremony, the coaches led the children in reflecting on the activities of the week.

Some students said, "My favourite activity was kayaking because I never expected to succeed on my first try." Some students said, "I think the most challenging activity was hiking. I fell into the mud while crossing the stream on stepping stones, but a classmate"s mom gave me clean clothes and everyone encouraged me to keep going. In the end, we all reached the finish line together." Some students said, "I realized that I should have gone to bed earlier so that I would have more energy the next day"...

Just like the name "ISA," Inquire, Succeed, Act, as our students take each step towards a wider world, they learn to embrace themselves, collaborate effectively with others, harmoniously coexist with nature, and face challenges with strength and courage. We look forward to seeing them carry a heart of gratitude, continue their journey with determination, and achieve even greater success in the future!

上一篇: 威海市人社局召开第二届全国博士后创新创业大赛“揭榜领题”赛工作推进会 下一篇: 最后一页